Friday, July 28, 2006

I am testing Antlr as syntax lexer. I tried the SATC Framework which is based on Antlr and performs syntax highlighting on Java text components. I have to fix a lot of bugs and I am not sure that I will use Antlr at the end. My next try will be Javacc if I don't succeed.
I don't feel like writing every thing from scratch, but will do if I have no other choice using JFlex, Javacc or Antlr.

Here is a screenshot of XPontus-Devel. It is not good enough for syntax highlighting. I am using SATC for now.

Here is the status of XPontus XML Editor :
  • Bug fixes and improvements are complete
  • I change the Spring framework configuration file from XML format to plain text. It should reduce the startup time.
  • I need to remove unused files and reuse more code
  • Add file encoding detection : DONE
  • Replace JTidy by NekoHTML to clean HTML code : DONE
  • Add a schema generator/converter(XML, DTD, Relax NG, XML Shema) : DONE
  • Use a true lexer for syntax highlighting, code completion and outline view of the code: WORK IN PROGRESS.

1 comment:

MaZe said...

Keep up the good work