Sunday, November 16, 2008

JDK7 changes

I had a surprise this morning while playing with System.getProperties. I am using JDK7 and displaying the system properties in a Swing JTable.
When I don't specify the number of columns I get a null pointer exception. It happens when populating the array contents, not at initialization.
This will throw a NPE:

data = new Object[NB_ROWS][];

This will not

data = new Object[NB_ROWS][NB_COLUMNS];

Code excerpt

public JavaEnvironmentModel()
Properties envProperties = System.getProperties();
NB_ROWS = envProperties.size();
data = new Object[NB_ROWS][NB_COLUMNS];

// for google blogger parser, no generics(Entry)
Iterator it = envProperties.entrySet().iterator();

for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++)
Entry entry = (Entry);
data[i][PROPERTY_COLUMN] = entry.getKey();
data[i][VALUE_COLUMN] = entry.getValue();

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