Thursday, June 05, 2008

Upcoming VFSJFileChooser release

I've been trying to make VFSJFileChooser compatible with jdk 1.5 lately. Know bugs have been fixed. There's no sorting for now in the details view, but the rest is working well.

SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor seems buggy in jdk5 SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(Component ComponentThatCouldBeAFrame) seems have issues. Trying to open the file dialog was throwing null pointer exceptions in jdk5. I needed to make another check to see if the component is a frame before creating and displaying the file chooser dialog with jdk5.

Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(parent);

if (window == null)
if (parent instanceof Window)
window = (Window) parent;
window = new Frame();
dialog = new JDialog((Frame) window, title, true);

else if (window instanceof Frame)
dialog = new JDialog((Frame) window, title, true);
dialog = new JDialog((Dialog) window, title, true);

I would like to avoid maintaining 2 branches if possible. There are lots of things that are easily done with jdk6 whereas in jdk5 additional classes are necessary.

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