Saturday, December 15, 2007

Managing the upgrade

Well I am comparing XPontus 1.0.0-rc3 to the upcoming version to see what is missing or what should be improved.


Diego said...

Hello, i'd like to ask you if there is a module designed for making XPath querys.

Diego said...

Sorry, i forgot to say:
Best regards,

Yves Zoundi said...

Hi Diego, yes I forgot to add it the modules page. I have some old code which support XPath 1.0 only.

The Xpath module might become kind of a "Query evaluator module" which will support engines built as plugins:
- XQuery expression evaluator which might be using saxon8
- A XPath evaluator for XPath 1.0
- A XPath evaluator for XPath 2.0
- maybe other engines...

Thank you for your comments

Yves Zoundi