Friday, August 15, 2008

VFSJFileChooser 0.0.3 released

VFSJFileChooser was released today after some additional tests. Nothing much to say, I guess I'll wait for comments.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

About VFSJFileChooser 0.0.3

I guess I'm ready for the third release of VFSJFileChooser thanks to Stephan Schuster. He helped a lot for that release(bug reports, patches, suggestions). I'll probably release tomorrow after few tests.

Here is the changelog:
  • One noticeable feature is speed :-). VFSJFileChooser was too slow I.M.H.O.
  • Navigation icons are "always" visible now. They didn't show when the java look and feel set, didn't derive from MetalLookAndFeel. I borrowed some icons from Tango and famfamfam which are now the default icons used.
  • Bug fixes for directory selection among other things
  • The VFSUtils class supports the methods setFileSystemManager and setFileSystemOptions. You can set those values at anytime. when the VFSJFileChooser class is instanciated, it checks if VFSUtils has a filesystemmanager set, if not it creates one. Files are always resolved with the FileSystemOptions object in VFSUtils.
  • Upgrade to webdavclient4j ( as Jakarta Slide is dead.
  • Cleaner but incompatible API (Enums instead of int fields) : I started to refractor code here and there. I am making full use of JDK5 as VFSJFileChooser is not compatible with jdk14 and older releases. Enums are introduced for few classes which breaks the API. The method setFileselectionMode of VFSJFileChooser now accepts an Enum as parameter. The methods "showOpenDialog" and "showSaveDialog" return an Enum too.
  • Sorting support : The details table has now sorting support again in the jdk5 branch. The jdk5 branch is the most up to date(patches, general improvements, etc.). The jdk5 will become the default branch. I now develop on jdk5 to ensure code compatibility.
The Windows look is still not supported. I'll look at it and see what can be done. For now, I only have my old laptop running Linux so I can't really work on it. Any help in that regard would be appreciated.